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- Literature
li: Barnes, P. 2001. Looking
at Abelias. New Plantsman 8(2): 78-92. (a highly recommended
li: clarification of nomenclature, history, and cultivars with an
excellent key and photographs.)
li: Barnes, P. 2001. Notes from authors in New Plantsman 8(3): 188
li: Rehder, A. 1913. Synopsis of the genus Abelia. In Sargent, C. Plantae Wilsonianae I: 118-129.
li: Zabel, H. Ueder die gattung Abelia in Newsletters of the German Dendrological Soc. 1893: 29-31.
'Edward Goucher' (A. x grandiflora x A. parvifolia)
3 ft. as young plants, eventually 5-6 ft.
st: new stems red
ll: 2-5cm
lw: 1-2cm
ls: narrowly ovate to ovate
la: acute to acuminate
lm: subentire
lc: dark glossy green above
lv: sparsely hair, glandular on both surfaces, midrib below
slightly villlose
infl: solitary to few flowers
fd: corolla to 2.5cm long
fc: unevenly pigmented purplish-pink veined darker. Barnes says
it averages RHS 74C and 77C .
or: Glenn Dale Plant Introduction Station, MD USA c. 1911 by
Edward Goucher
engleriana 'Vedrariensis' (A. graebneriana 'Vedrariensis')
larger than species typical
lc: darker green than species typical
fd: larger
fd: pink more blotched than species typical
Abelia x grandiflora 'Aurea' = 'Gold Spot'
'Canyon Creek'
- click image
JC Raulston Arboretum. Fall
2004. Even when the abundant flowers begin to leave, the showy pink calyces add
much interest.
x grandiflora 'Canyon Creek'
4-6 ft. tall x 4-6 ft. wide
lc: new growth bronze to copper, very showy, becoming
bronzed-yellow, then green
afc: winter color is "antique bronze" and pink, quite
showy in photos
fc: corolla blush to white, calyx a bright pink
fd: 0.25 in.
in, or: Dr. Michael Dirr, GA USA from open-pollinated A.
chinensis. Introduced 2002.
photo, history:
x grandiflora 'Compacta'
3-4 ft.
ha: compact, not dwarf
ch: more cold hardy - zone 6 vs. 7 in the US.
id: it is apparently a bit larger than 'Sherwoodii' but we have no side-by-side
trials to verify this.
Spring Meadow
'Conti' - click image to enlarge
x grandiflora CONFETTI™ 'Conti'
3 ft. in time, commonly seen 1-2 ft. tall - smaller than
'Sherwood' of the same age
ha: said to be compact as is parent 'Sherwood'
lc: bright white but thin margin becoming tinged red or pink. One
side of the blade usually more chimera
lc: than the other. Reversions occur but are minor in our
observations. Margins are never light yellow to cream
lc: as with 'Sunrise'.
ll: 2.0-2.5cm long - shorter
lw: narrower, narrowly ovate to broadly lanceolate, sometimes
slightly twisted.
ls: slightly twisted, giving a good reflection
fc: pink
pat: US #8472
or: sport of 'Sherwood' found by Flowerwood Nur. Barnes says
Theodor's Nursery, AL USA.
so: Spring Meadow 1-800-633-8859 (wholesale)
eval: a beautiful plant viewed up close but it has little value
at a distance. One should stick with
eval: a good variegated Euonymous for a bold effect. It's
mainstream commercial appeal is somewhat
eval: doubtful. It is suitable for large rock gardens and needs
to be placed within a few feet of the viewer.
source (Wind Rose
x grandiflora 'Copper Glow' (7/99)
a listed name, presumably with copper new growth or fall color -
the species can do both.
x grandiflora [dwarf] ('Dwarf') some='Edward Goucher'
ns: listed in the RHS PLANT FINDER 2000-2001 but probably one of
the named clones. Dirr states that
ns: stock under the name 'Dwarf' in the US is usually A. 'Edward
li: Dirr, M.A. 1998. Man. Woody Land. Plts. Stipes Publ. p. 3
x grandiflora 'Dwarf Pink' = A. 'Edward Goucher'
li: Dirr, M.A. 1998. Man. Woody Land. Plts. Stipes Publ. p. 3
x grandiflora 'Dwarf Purple'
ha: dense and dwarf
ht: 2.5 ft.
lc: dark glossy green become reddish-purple in fall
ld: retains foliage in Roslyn NY until late winter
fc: lavender pink
bt: June until frost in Roslyn NY
ch: 5 with protection
id: Dirr says one plant he has under this name is ordinary
'Edward Goucher'
li: Dirr, M.A. 1998. Man. Woody Land. Plts. Stipes Publ. p. 3
Mason' - click image
Greensboro Arboretum, NC. Summer
2002. This very bright and compact example has more gold leaves than normal but
in warmer climates we find the amount
of marginated tissue to be reduced.
x grandiflora 'Francis Mason' ('Variegata')
ht: 4-5 ft. in 5 years or less, easily 6-8 ft. in time
ha: vigorous unless most variegated shrubs but this encouraged
reversions and irregular, leggy form
lc: broadly but irregular margined golden-yellow becoming
margined greenish-yellow. All yellow shoots
lc: and green reversions are very common and must be removed once
or twice a season. New growth is
lc: pinkish but there is seldom a tricolor look. Normal plants may be up to 50%
all yellow leaves whereas
lc: those we call the Gold Sport Group are at least 98% all yellow leaves.
or: Mason's Nursery, New Zealand c. 1970, Dirr says 1950's.
in: known in the US trade since early 80's, perhaps before.
id: everybody, their brother, and cousin has tried to select all
gold, more variegated, or unique clones
id: from this charming but variable plant. Many are named but few
seem to be stable or distinct to date.
Sport Group - click image to enlarge
x grandiflora Gold Sport Group
the collective term for the all gold or lime-gold sports
of 'Francis Mason' which appear to be genetically and
phenotypically identical. This one labeled 'Gold Spot'
seems neither better nor different than the rest,
therefore the cultivar group being best for them all
collectively. As this gold sport occurs so many places at
various times, naming them all separately is not
justified in any case we know. The
very youngest leaves are golden-yellow but they quickly
turn lime than a lighter green than most other cultivars.
It ends up being kind of a lemony-lime pile of leaves if
it remains stable.LCH.
x grandiflora Gold Sport Group ('Goldspot', 'Goldsport', 'Aurea',
'Gold Strike')
all golden yellow, rarely with much green, fading chartreuse to
green by summer.
lc: reverts to green easily.
fq: sparsely flowering, likely due to a lack of chlorophyll
ns: this is a collective name for all-gold variants of 'Francis
Mason' which are very
ns: common, some rooting well and others not, most fairly weak,
all dubiously stable or worthy of
ns: propagation so far. There are surely many clones under this
general grouping.
so: photo, wholesale source
(Firma C. Esveld)
source (Bodiam UK)
Abelia x grandiflora 'Gold Spot' = Gold Sport Group
Abelia x grandiflora 'Gold Strike' = Gold Sport Group
x grandiflora 'Golden Glow' (12/99)
margined yellow, more uniformly than 'Francis Mason'
fc: white
eval: should be compared to 'Sunrise' which is also a more
stable, uniform selection.
or: USA
HOPLEYS 'Abghop'
- click image
JC Raulston
Arboretum. Fall 2004.
x grandiflora HOPLEYS 'Abghop'
ht: 80cm
lc: originally said to have an irregularly golden mottled center, said to revert less than
'Gold Spot'. Sometimes the chimera is
lc: a thin line about the midrib, other times it is 50% marked.
The chimera seems to follow the secondary
lc: veins at times. The plant above certainly has some central markings but
seems to be more gold margined plus streaked.
afc: pinkish tints
fd: more floriferous than 'Francis Mason'
or: Hopleys Nursery, UK c. 1992 as 'Francis Mason' sport
x grandiflora 'John Creech'
2 feet (vs. 6 feet for species) x 3 feet wide
ha: upright, compact, mound with age, much neater than hybrid
species as typical. Dirr says
ha: it may not throw out long shoots as readily as 'Edward
lc: dark glossy green
fc: white
fs: similar to A. x grandiflora
ha: low spreading compared to larger globose typical clone
or: found by John Creech in Glenn Dale, MD possibly a sister
seedling 'Edward Goucher' but we
or: do not believe it to be a hybrid. If it is a hybrid is much
closer to A. x grandiflora.
eval: Dirr says it has great similarity to 'Edward Gouchier' as
far commercial use in considered.
li: Dirr, M.A. 1998. Man. Woody Land. Plts. Stipes Publ. p. 2
Spring Meadow
x grandiflora 'Little Gem'
or: US
x grandiflora 'Little Richard'
2.5-3.0 ft. tall x slight wider - shorter than 'Sherwood' to date
ha: denser than 'Sherwood'
lc: dark glossy green
fc: white
fq: very floriferous
or: Richard Currin as sport of 'Sherwood'
source (Roslyn
li: Dirr, M.A. 1998. Man. Woody Land. Plts. Stipes Publ. p. 2
x grandiflora 'Mardi Gras' (3/4)
lc: margined white, new
growth pinkish
or: Rick Crowder
so, in: (online catalog
spring 2004)
x grandiflora 'Mei-fu-hana-tsukubane-utsugi'
darker green with bright yellow margins all summer, also blotched
ha: dwarf yet strong growing
rai: should be compared to 'Frances Mason' which is probably
or: irradiated 'Hanazono-tsukubane-utsugi' clone by H. Suda in
Abelia x grandiflora 'Nana' = 'Sherwood'
x grandiflora 'Prostrate White' ('Prostrata')
1m tall x 1.5m wide (Barnes), younger plants commonly 18-24 in.
tall in the US landscape
ha: spreading but not dwarf or low.
lc: red new growth, showy
afc: often dark reddish-purple to reddish-bronze, showy
ld: tending to be more deciduous, even in California
pat: US #1431 in 1955 to Delvin D. Abbott
ns: the plant was patented under 'Prostrate White' and published
in the US patent registers as such.
ns: Therefore this name should stand today.
x grandiflora 'Really Pink' (12/99)
bright clear pink becoming lighter with age, staying medium pink
or: Sabuco
ch: cold hardy to -10 to -15 deg. F.
li: Hatch, L.C. 1983. Reference guide to ornamental plant
cultivars. Taxonomic Computer Research.
Creek' - click image
x grandiflora 'Rose Creek' is
the first clone released from Mike Dirr's breeding
program at the University of Georgia. The reddish-pink
calyx is very showy even when the contrasting white
corollas are sparse or gone. This shot was taken on
9/30/02 and thus we show the many months of color this
cultivar (and some others) can provide. It is more
floriferous earlier in the year. Growth is more
restrained than most of the hybrid species clones and
that is a very good thing. 'Rose Creek' is a true winner. LCH
x grandiflora 'Rose Creek' (2/01)
dense, very compact. Like most Abelias pruning out hyper-vigorous
shoots is recommended.
ha: slighter wider than tall based on photo linked below.
ll: "small" - appear reduced in size from photos
lc: dark glossy green becoming purple-green in cold weather
fc: white with red calyx. The rose-red calyx is quite showy even
after flowers are mostly gone. It
fc: shows rich colors into fall in plants we have seen.
fd: 0.5 in. long
fq: very floriferous up to 50% of surface
or: open-pollinated A. chinensis from Dirr's breeding program.
Named by Mark Grifftith
or: of Watkinsville GA USA for Rose Creek of Oconee County GA USA
in: Mike Dirr 2001
lu: container, low hedge, mass plantings, mixed borders.
- click both image
Lewis Ginter Botanical
Garden, Richmond VA USA. Summer 2003. Young and floriferous examples of this
proven compact clone. It is superior to the species for all but the
largest of planting spaces. Only the newer Dirr hybrids seem to have merit for
comparison at this time. LCH.
x grandiflora 'Sherwoodii' ('Sherwood', 'Nana')
3-4 ft. tall x 5 ft. wide
ha: compact, dense, sometimes reverting to a vigorous variant
which must be removed.
fd: smaller than hybrid species typical but in scale to the
smaller plant
ll: smaller than hybrid species typical
id: it does not belong to A. zanderi according to Barnes but is
sometimes listed under that species.
ns: it has sometimes been said the name must be vernacular,
lacking publication before 1959. However
ns: in the AAN Proceedings it was published as 'Sherwoodi'.
Nomenclatural practice and the code allows
ns: us to accept this Latin name and correct it with a second
letter i.
li: American Assoc. Nurseryman Proceedings 1949: 123 (as
eval: 'Little Richard' seems like a better plant
x grandiflora 'Short and Sweet'
compact as parent 'Compacta'
in: MacLeans Ridges, NSW, Aust. c. 1999
li: Pearce, R. 2001. Plant Varieties Journal 14(1): 15-16.
x grandiflora SILVER ANNIVERSARYPVR 'Panache' ('Panash')
ht: 2 ft. tall x 3 ft. wide
ha: compact, spreading mound much as parent 'Prostrate White' ('Prostrata')
st: reddish, showy in contrast to the chimera
lc: margined a clean white to cream. It never light yellow in chimera as HOPLEYS
and 'Sunrise'
id: similar to CONFETTI according to Barnes
in: Lynash Nurseries UK to British trade
in, so: Spring Meadow Nurseries
(online catalog 2005), first intro. to US trade 2005
or: MInier Nurseries, France as sport of 'Prostrate White' ('Prostrata')
eval: one of the better variegated clones as a sport of an already proven,
compact clone. Like
eval CONFETTI (a sport of 'Sherwoodii') it carries the qualities of the parent
x grandiflora 'Snowdrift' - 7/99 ADDITION
so: photo, wholesale source
- click image to enlarge
JC Raulston Arboretum, December 2004. Yes that is right. This is a December
picture in USDA 7b. Note the chimera is perhaps more cream than yellow but
rich yellow pigments still persist. At the current time (January 2004) this is
the finest of all the known variegated clones in the genus.
x grandiflora 'Sunrise'
ht: 4 ft. tall when 5 ft. wide
ha: dense and mounding
lc: bright wide light yellow margins with occasional streaks
lc: into the center of the blade. Leaf is 30-55% yellow in many
lc: cases. New growth reddish. Reversions occur but not in great
lc: in winter mounts there are some pink and red tints and the margins are
creamier and less yellow.
or: branch sport at Taylor's Nur. of Raleigh NC from species.
pat: US# 9968. Royalties support the Raulston Arboretum of North
Carolina State Univ., Raleigh NC USA
eval: plant we have seen in Raleigh NC are more stable and
uniform in margination than
eval: 'Francis Mason'. There is some indication it may flower
better too. It is stronger and better than
eval: than CONFETTI though of a decidedly more gold coloration.
so: -
source (Niche
Abelia x grandiflora 'Variegata' = 'Francis Mason'
x grandiflora 'White Marvel' (9/02)
ht: 60-90cm
st: pinkish
lc: new grwtoh white, cream, or light yellow, becoming margined
yellowish-green, finally margined bright
lc: yellow. Differs from 'Francis Mason' (we believe) in the
color of the new growth.
lt: blades thick.
fc: white
fd; 1.0 x 1.5cm
or: Katsuya Sakaue before 2002 as sport of 'Francis Mason'
pat: US PPAF 6/13/02
mosanensis - click image
mosanensis - click image
mosanensis is a revelation. There is no
finer plant in the genus for color of bloom and scent in
my opinion. The aroma on a warm spring day (such as April
19th here in Raleigh NC) is impossible to miss from
or six feet away or less. One almost thinks it
some exotic tropic plant borrowed from a greenhouse.
"What a lovely pink jasmine" comes to mind. It
is only hardy to USDA 6 but even that rating makes
useful in scores of large cities where it is not yet
tested or sold. LCH.
Abelia mosanensis
mosanensis BRIDAL BOUQUET 'Monia'
ht: 5 ft. tall x 5 ft. wide
ha: upright
fc: white
fq: abundant flowers
fs: campanulate (bell-shaped)
bt: May, June (CA)
lc: glossy bright green
afc: "fiery" red orange shades
or: Kordes Nur. Germany
in: Monrovia Nur. to US trade 2000
ch: USDA 6
so: your local Monrovia Nur. vendor
parvifolia - click image
JC Raulston Arboretum. Summer 2004.
Abelia parvifolia
Bee' - click image to enlarge
parvifolia 'Bumble Bee' (7/99)(A. schumannii 'Bumble Bee', A.
longituba 'Bumble Bee')
ht: 3 ft. or perhaps taller
ft: long campanulate (bell-shaped) to tubular flowers
fc: light lavender-pink
or: Europe
ch: USDA 7?
Spring Meadow
Abelia 'Prostrate White' = A. x grandiflora 'Prostrate White'
serrata var. buchwaldii (Graeb.) Nakai
fd: corolla to 3cm long
serrata f. sanguinea Sugimoto
fc: corolla pink
schummanii 'Saxon Gold'
in: Stone Cross Garden Centre, Sussex, UK 2003 and listed in the 2003-4 RHS
PLANT FINDER for the first time
ns: probably as cultivar of A. parvifolia
spathulata f. colorata (Hara & Kurosawa) Hara
fc: corolla rose-red
spathulata var. sanguinea Makino
fc: corolla red, showy
geo: Kanto and Chubu, central Honshu, Japan
spathulata [white mottled]
mottled white
li: Yokoi, M. and Y. Hirose. 1978. Variegated Plants. Siebundo
Shinkosha Pub. Ltd.
spathulata [yellow margined]
margined yellow
li: Yokoi, M. and Y. Hirose. 1978. Variegated Plants. Siebundo
Shinkosha Pub. Ltd.
Abelia zanderi = A. dielsii