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Aechmea chantinii 'Samurai' is a study in plant pigmentation. You have a longitudinal light yellow chimera criss-crossing with the silver transverse bands of the regular spcies. The combinations of these complex visual images ends up being "busy" but attractive.

Click image to enlarge.


Aechmea 'Blue Tango' is not actually blue but you have bluish-lavender and light purple pigments with the pink and coral ones of the inflorescence. It is quite different for those of us used to other colors in this genus.

Click image to enlarge.


Aechmea orlandiana 'Ensign' is almost too lovely for words. The bright white margins are accented so wonderfully with bright red spinose teeth and rosy-red markings. The entire light green leaf center is mottled red to reddish-green, giving even more curious combinations of colors. One would wish to have these three lovely colors so presented in more genera. It is not your average tricolor plant.

Click image to enlarge.


Aechmea 'Eileen' (+)
lm: spineless
fc: inflor. bright rose red and persisting so for 'several months'
ft: inflor. is 'large, upright, and heavily-branched'
pat: US #7933 in 1992 to N. DeLeon of DeLeon's Bromeliad World of Goulds FL
or: (A. fasicata x A. serrata) x A. serrata.

Aechmea fasciata 'DeLeon' (+)
lc: densely white lepidote with 'trichomes concentrated in bands'
lm: spineless
pat: US #7932 to N. Deleon in 1992 of Deleon's Bromeliad World of Goulds FL