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x Fatshedera lizei 'Annameike' ('Anna Mikkels', 'Anne Meike',  'Lemon and Lime', 'Aureovariegata', 'Maculata')

JC Raulston Arboretum. August 2003. A wonderful cultivar with a subtle contrasting chimera. It is used now as a landscape shrub throughout the US states and large 5 gallon plants are now very affordable, having been raised cheaply in warmer still states. These same plants are marketed even as houseplants in the more cold regions, giving the nurserymen quite a marketing coup.

Click image to enlarge.


lc: centered greenish-yellow, often a thinnish chimera giving a variety of mottled,
lc: pale yellow, and solid yellow sectors. The centering is often broken,
lc: feathers, on just on side, and/or following the center of the lobe. Some
lc: leaves are merely green washed thinnly in gold with a goodly number of
lc: bright yellow veins. A few will be gold-veined alone. Others combine a
lc: distinct center with these bolder yellow primary and secondary
lc: veins. Some blades just have a little piece of yellow surface chimera and
lc: odd bright veins like something from a horror movie. The number of
lc: combinations are endless and one could never pick a "typical leaf".
lc: It is less bold than most medio-picta type cultivars. Yet this effect gives
lc: it some artistic charm as though hand painted. It is enough to break up
lc: the green leaf theme in shade and get one to notice it. The synonym
lc: 'Lemon and Lime'
is not only illegitmate but inaccurate. It would be
lc: more "Lemon and Emerald".

ns: there is some disagreement as to which of many names is correct,
ns: earliest, and valid under the codes. The lack of literature citations
ns: and taxonomic documentation is responsible. This would be a good
ns: project for an eager graduate student to tackle. We have decided to
ns: spelling the name as one word.

lu: in California and southeastern US states it is sometimes used as a
lu: colorful shrub that takes a bit of shade.


x Fatshedera lizei 'Aurea' ('Mediopicta') ns: a listed name, apparently gold-centered. It certainly could be
ns: 'Anne Mieke'


x Fatshedera lizei 'Aureomaculata' lc: mottled yelow


x Fatshedera lizei 'Aureovariegata' = 'Anne Mieke'  


x Fatshedera lizei 'Lemon and Lime = 'Anne Mieke'  


x Fatshedera lizei 'Maculata' = 'Anne Mieke' ns: a listed name


x Fatshedera lizei 'Mediopicta' = Aurea'  


x Fatshedera lizei 'Monstrosa Variegata' ('Variegata Monstrosa', 'Monstrosa')

Hampton Roads/Tidewater Arboretum, Norfolk VA.
August 2003. This cultivar is perfectly hardy in this well-known eastern US port city. It is also durable most winters (occasional damage) in Raleigh NC. Plants which suffer cut back from the odd severe winter recover well.

Click image to enlarge.


ha: irregularly shrub, less neat than most other cultivars. Old plants are often a
ha: twisted wall or pyramid of wavy and twisted leaves. The effect is not always
ha: pretty unless good pruning and aesthetic sense are in force. Some plants are
ha: so large one might think they are young variegated sweetgums from a distance!

lc: thinnly white margined with white overlays or sectors on a light green
lc: base. Under high or even normal fertility it is less variegated.
ls: the leaves are more twisted that hybrid species as typical, some plants
ls: having many highly twisted and deformed (ie. monstrose) leaves.

ns: we believe that all the 'Monstrosa' clones are variegated, at least in the US


x Fatshedera lizei 'Pia' lm: undulate, wavy, curly


x Fatshedera lizei 'Pia Bont' ns: a listed name from Europe.


x Fatshedera lizei 'Pia Variegated' ('Pia Variegata') lm: undulate, wavy, curled as 'Pia'
lc: variegated, apparently white margined. This is not confirmed.


x Fatshedera lizei 'Silver Prince' ns: a listed name


x Fatshedera lizei 'Silver Prusca' ns: a listed name. Description needed.


x Fatshedera lizei 'Variegata' lc: thinnly margined white, usually irregularly thick about the margins. It
lc: very rarely a consistant margin around the entire blade. Like Fatsia
lc: japonica 'Variegata' is hardly as uniform or pretty as it's Hedera cousins.
la, ls: the blades are often asymmetrical, oddly lobed, or with rounded lobes
la, ls: as a result of this chimeral activity. It is not highly twisted as 'Monstrosa
la, ls: Variegata'.

id: the photo in Yokoi and Hirose (1978) shows a much thinner margins than
id: those plants shown in Graf's works. They are fairly compatible given the
id: known effects of fertility, selection, and culture on this genus. The true plant
id: should not have the twisted and very irregular form of 'Monstrosa Variegata'.
id: As the monstrose version seems more common in southern US collections,
id: I have no doubt some nurseryman with rooted cuttings from one, will want
id: to drop the off-putting word "monstrosa".

ns: it should not be confused with Fatsia japonica 'Variegata' which is much more common.


x Fatshedera lizei 'Variegata Monstrosa' = 'Monstrosa Variegata'  


x Fatshedera lizei 'Yvonne's Petticoat (2/5) ht: 48 in. tall x 48 in wide.
lm: slightly ruffled, undulate margins, often folded in the sinus region, quite showy
lt: mostly 7-lobed
or: Yvonne Pupatti, Marshallberg, NC
so, in:
Plant Delights Nursery (Spring Sales Catalog 2005: 46, with color photo), first introduction on record here