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Hypericum - Literature

li: Lancaster, R. 1997. Bowles of beauty. The Garden (RHS) 122(8): 566-571.
li: Schneider, F. 1965. Hypericum. Dendroflora 2: 18-22.
li: Schneider, F. 1966. Hypericum (II). Dendroflora 3: 37-39.

Hypericum androsaemum 'Albury Purple'

ht: 18-24 in.
lc: dark red to purple, especially in the new growth. Much less colorful in warm climates like southern US.
lc: Typically leaves shift from purple to dark red with a bright green midrib and then the secondary veins
lc: become greener. Eventually the blades are green margined red and then mostly green with red specks.
frc: red to purple capsules
fc: yellow (typical), but contrasting nicely with the leaf color
ch: known to dieback near 0 deg. F. in the US. but is usually recovers and regrows.

Hypericum androsaemum 'Autumn Blaze'

ht: 2-3 ft.
frc: fruit capsules pink to black, somewhat interesting, described as brownish-black by some
frt: fruit appears indoors before 'Excellent Flair' and thus is marketed on a different schedule
afc: orange, red, and chartreuse shades, showy
Here and Now Garden

Hypericum androsaemum 'Dart's Golden Penny' ('Golden Penny')(10/01)

ht: 75cm tall x 75cm wide
fd: small, that is penny-sized
frc: red maturing to black
lc: medium green
or: Darthuizer

Hypericum androsaemum 'Dual Flair'

ht: 70-80cm
ha: robust
lc: light green
frc: bright reddish-brown, showy
frt: mid-season among the various cultivars
or: Van den Bosch, Rijnsburg, Netherlands
wholesale source:
Ball Seed

Hypericum androsaemum FLAIRŪ series = see individual cultivars above and below

ns: in Plant Varieties Journal the FLAIR series are referred to H. androsaemum while in the trade many
ns: are listed under H. inodorum. Not having material to examine, it is unclear if they are selected from
ns: more than one species or not. Pending further evidence, we are assigning them as the best references
ns: suggest. There are true cultivar names assigned to some, usually starting with the prefix BOS so that
ns: most of the FLAIR names are in fact trademarks. We include the two names when available. That said,
ns: the licensed growers seem to be treating the marketable FLAIR names are cultivars no matter what.
or: Van den Bosch, Rijnsburg, Netherlands

Hypericum androsaemum 'Gold Pansy'

frc: red to black, often flowering and fruiting at the same time.
li: Dirr, M.A. 1998. Man. of Wood. Land. Plts. Stipes. p. 452

Hypericum androsaemum 'Gladys Brabazon'

ht: 2-3 ft.
lc: spotted and mottled cream
frc: pink to red becoming near black
Forest Farm

Hypericum androsaemum KING FLAIR ('Bosakin')

ht: 75-85cm
ha: wide-branching
frc: bright yet rich reddish-brown (RHS 185A) , showy
frd: 1.4 x 0.8 cm - larger than most cultivars
lc: dark green - unlike some cultivars of this fruit color such as 'Dual Flair'
frt: mid-season among the various cultivars
or: Van den Bosch, Rijnsburg, Netherlands as NR83 x NR71
wholesale source:
Ball Seed
li: Plant Varieties Journ. 12(2): 61-62, 64 (1999)

Hypericum androsaemum 'Pink Fantasy'

frc: dark true pink
Here and Now Garden

Hypericum androsaemum PINKY FLAIR ('Bosapin')

ht: 70-80cm per Ball Seed but 145cm per originator
ha: robust, wide-branching
frc: orange says Ball but registration in PVJ states bright scarlet pink (RHS 50A and 179A)
frd: 1.4 x 0.7cm - larger than species typical
frt: mid-season among the various cultivars
or: Van den Bosch, Rijnsburg, Netherlands as NR93 x NR71
wholesale source:
Ball Seed
li: Plant Varieties Journ. 12(2): 62-64 (1999)

Hypericum androsaemum QUEEN FLAIR ('Bosaque')

ht: 60-70cm says Ball but originator lists 165cm!
ha: slender branching - others are wider branching. Said to be upright at first but later flopping over.
lc: light green
frc: bright orange says Ball. In PVJ (see below) they say bright red-brown (RHS 185A)
frd: 1.0-1.3 x 0.8cm - smaller fruit than some others in the series
frt: earlier in season than many others in the series
or: Van den Bosch, Rijnsburg, Netherlands as NR83 x NR75
wholesale source:
Ball Seed
li: Plant Varieties Journ. 12(2): 63-64 (1999)

Hypericum androsaemum 'Royal Flair'

ht: 60-70cm - short than some in the series
ha: slender branching
lc: dark green
frc: dark wine red
frd: smaller fruit than others in series
frt: early season among the various cultivars
or: Van den Bosch, Rijnsburg, Netherlands
wholesale source:
Ball Seed

Hypericum androsaemum SCARLET FLAIR ('Bosasca')

ht: 75-93cm. Originator says "shorter" but per Ball it is one of the taller ones for them!
ha: moderate strength of stem in series thought taller
lc: dark green
frc: dark reddish-brown (RHS 185A)
frd: 0.8 x 0.6cm - compared to QUEEN FLAIR above.
lu: said not to be as heat tolerant indoors or out.
or: Van den Bosch, Rijnsburg, Netherlands as NR83 x NR75
wholesale source:
Ball Seed
li: Plant Varieties Journ. 12(2): 63+-64 (1999)

Hypericum androsaemum 'Summer Fantasy'

frc: dark red
frt: earlier than many other cultivars. Said by Here and Now to be "the first to market" (indoors)
dr: rust resistant
pat: PPAF
Here and Now Garden

Hypericum 'Archibald'

ns: listed in the RHS Plant Finder 1996 and not since. We have no current listing of it online.

Hypericum beanii 'Elda'

wholesale source: Firma Esveld

Hypericum balearicum

so: Arrowhead Alpines

Hypericum bucklei

so: Arrowhead Alpines

Hypericum calycinum 'Briggadoon'

so: Plant Delights

Hypericum chinense [yellow-white splashed]

lc: mottled yellow to white
ns: reported in Yokoi and Hirose

Hypericum x cyathiflorum 'Gold Cup' (beanii 'Gold Cup'?)

ft: cup-shaped
fd: 6cm

Hypericum densiflorum

so: Woodlanders

Hypericum densiflorum 'Creel's Gold Star'

ha: smaller, dense, compact
ls: linear
or: Mike Creel?
li: Dirr, M.A. 1998. Man. of Wood. Land. Plts. Stipes. p. 451

Hypericum x dummeri 'Peter Dummer'

ht: 80cm
ha: dwarf, mounded, branchlets arching overall.
st: reddish-green
lc: bronze-red new growth, also again tinged purple in winter.
fc: golden yellow with orange anthers. Buds a showy dark orange or tinged orange.
fq: very floriferous
wholesale source:
Firma Esveld

Hypericum 'Eastleigh Gold'

ha: slightly drooping
st: reddish-brown
flq: very floriferous

Hypericum erectum 'Gemo' = H. kalmianum 'Gemo'


Hypericum forrestii

click image to enlarge
Raulston Arboretum. Summer 2003. I like this species simply for the reasonably large (1.5-2.5 inch) flowers with such an open, stamen-filled face. It begs for a
camera to focus on it. W.J. Bean says that the appearance of 'Hidcote' (a hybrid from it) hurt it's popularly but said it was still worth growing for the
showy bronze fruit capsules and red to orange fall foliage. Fruits are absent or very rare on 'Hidcote' though this species does not bloom quite as long.


Hypericum fortuneana 'Purple Fountain'

ht: 3-6 ft.
ha: arching, fountain-like
lc: deep purple, contrasting nicely with the gold flowers
ch: 7
Forest Farm

Hypericum frondosum 'Buttercup'

ns: listed name for what is apparently an improved clone.

Hypericum frondosum 'Sunburst'

ht: 3 ft. tall x 4 ft. wide - slightly smaller than species
fq: floriferous
lw: wider blade than species typical
lu: most effective in mass as low, flowering ground cover
or: Dr. Richard Lighty DE USA as selection of species

Hypericum 'Glacier'

click image to enlarge
Atlanta Botanical Garden. July 2003. A pretty and curious plant but not likely for the mass market.

ht: 4 ft. tall x 4 ft. wide
lc: mottled and spotted pink becoming cream than white
fc: golden yellow with showy pink calyx
frc: glossy red, showy
ch: 7
Digging Dog Nursery

Hypericum 'Hidcote' (H. x cyathiflorum 'Gold Cup' x H. calycinum)(H. patulum 'Hidcote')

ht: 2-3 ft. - plants to 4 ft. are reported in warmer climates such as California.
ha: vigorous, spreading
fc: golden, almost waxy in texture. Unfortunately they brown up and cling when fading.
fd: 2.5-3.0 in.
fq: very floriferous
dr: virus can contort the flowers badly
lc: dark blue-green
ls: lanceolate
ll: 2.0 in.
dr: a virus than deforms the plant occurs in Europe. Root rot and wilt are frequent in hot humid areas.
ns: this cultivar has a dozen suggested parentages and will be found under as many names in catalogs. It
ns: best referred as a direct cultivar of the species.
aw: RHS AM 1954, AGM 1954
ch: 6 - sometimes 5 with good protection. Morton Arboretum in zone 5 grows it something like a perennial.

Hypericum 'Hidcote Variegated'

click image to enlarge

ht: 15 in.
ha: as 'Hidcote'
lw: narrowly elliptic, perhaps a bit narrower than 'Hidcote' itself
lc: cream margined, sometimes pinkish in sun
ns: reported in Yokoi and Hirose with image.
Plant Delights (2000 Catalog: 60)

Hypericum hircinum 'Loke'

ns: listed name of a new clone from Europe, perhaps from Denmark(?)

Hypericum x inodorum (H. androsaemum x H. hircinum)


Hypericum x inodorum 'Annebel'

wholesale source: Firma Esveld

Hypericum x inodorum 'Beauty'

ns: a listed name in Europe. No description yet available.

Hypericum x inodorum 'Elstead' ('Elsted')

ht: 5 ft.
ha: more compact than some hybrid species selections
frc: bright salmon-red, very showy
dr: said to be rust sensitive where that disease is a problem.
aw: RHS AM 1933
wholesale source:
Firma Esveld
Forest Farm

Hypericum x inodorum 'Excellent Flair'

frc: purplish-brown, showy
eval: accounts for 40% of the genus' indoor plant trade in Holland by one 2000 report.
or: Van den Bosch, Rijnsburg, Netherlands
wholesale source:
Firma Esveld

Hypericum x inodorum FLAIRŪ series = see individual cultivars above and below

ns: in Plant Varieties Journal the FLAIR series are referred to H. androsaemum while in the trade most
ns: are listed under H. inodorum. Not having material to examine, it is unclear if they are selected from
ns: more than one species or not. Pending further evidence, we are assigning them as the best references
ns: suggest. This hybrid species is bred from H. androsaemum so that genetic contribution is not in doubt.
or: Van den Bosch, Rijnsburg, Netherlands

Hypericum x inodorum 'Orange Flair'

or: Van den Bosch, Rijnsburg, Netherlands
wholesale source:
Firma Esveld

Hypericum x inodorum 'Prince Flair'

ht: 16 in. tall x 18 in. wide
frc: reddish-brown, showy
frd: 0.4 in.
fd: 1.0 in.
or: Van den Bosch, Rijnsburg, Netherlands c. 1994
Plant Haven

Hypericum x inodorum 'Red Glory'

wholesale source: Firma Esveld

Hypericum x inodorum 'Rheingold'

wholesale source: Firma Esveld

Hypericum x inodorum 'Summergold' ('Summer Gold')

click image to enlarge
JC Raulston Arboretum. Summer 2002. An interesting small plant functioning much like a gold-leaved herbaceous perennial.

ht: 3-5 ft.
lc: new growth mottled bright yellow and lime green becoming much greener. Some shoots may be all yellow. We have seen the brighter
lc: colored sectors easily 97% of the surface in new leaves.
frc: red, showy
Forest Farm

Hypericum x inodorum 'Ysella'

lc: yellow

Hypericum kalmianum

so: Woodlanders

Hypericum kalmianum 'Ames'

ht: 2-3 ft.
ha: dense mound, often described as a "perfect mound" for its degree of neatness.
lc: blue-green
fd: 1.0 in.
or: Iowa State University, Ames, IA USA
in: Sjulin Nurseries
wholesale source:
Spring Meadow

Hypericum kalmianum 'Gemo' (H. erectum 'Gemo')

ha: upright, dense
flq: floriferous
bt: July-September, longer than species typical and most other cultivars in fact.
or: Denmark
ls: willow-like
ns: species assignment varies between 3 or 4 names in the trade. We are following the very knowledgeable
ns: firm of Esveld in this choice here.
ch: 5
wholesale source:
Spring Meadow
wholesale source:
Firma Esveld

Hypericum kouytschense 'Sungold'

ha: compact, somewhat globose
fd: 2.0 in.
bt: most of summer into fall where it is happy
ch: 5
Forest Farm

Hypericum x moserianum 'Tricolor'

click image to enlarge
Atlanta Botanical Garden. July 2003. There are few tricolored shrubs as pretty or subtly refined. One needs to keep the amount of colorful new growth large by annual pruning.

ht: spreading, compact, slower than the hybrid species
fc: golden (typical)
lc: pink margined becoming cream margined, very showy. New growth is a lovely bright pink with a
lc: green center.
eval: one of the best variegated flowering shrubs in existance. It has been known over 100 years and yet
eval: designers are just discovering it in America!
aw: RHS AM 1896

Hypericum nudiflorum

so: Woodlanders

Hypericum 'October Revolution'

frc: brown, showy
frt: late fruiting
dr: rust resistant
pat: PPAF
ns: species affinity not reported. It is probably H. x indorum or androsaemum as are most indoor cultivars.
Here and Now Garden

Hypericum olympicum 'Eden Star'

ns: a listed name. No description found. Send us details if you know this.

Hypericum olympicum 'Edith'

ns: a listed name. No description found. Send us details if you know this.

Hypericum olympicum f. minus

ht: 15cm - very dwarf
lc: blue-green
ll: smaller than typical forma.
fd: 2.0 in. - these are not smaller even if the plant is!
lu: one of the more useful selections for rock gardens or large containers.

Hypericum olympicum f. minus 'Sulphureum'

ht: 30cm tall x 50cm wide
ha: compact
lc: lighter yellow than typical f. minus

Hypericum olympicum f. uniflorum 'Citrinum'

fc: lighter more butter yellow, less gold than species typical.

Hypericum patulum 'Hidcote' = H. 'Hidcote'


Hypericum patulum 'Variegatum'

lc: veined white.

Hypericum prolificum

so: Woodlanders

Hypericum reductum

so: Woodlanders

Hypericum 'Rowallane'

ht: 3-6 ft. - larger in warm climates where winter does not cut it back. If hardy count on 5 feet.
ha: graceful form says Hillier but reports of its being irregular and scraggly occur elsewhere. One
ha: British grower uses the more coded term "open".
ll: 2.5-3.5 in.
fd: 3.0-4.0 in. - larger than most cultivars known today
or: Rowallane garden, Ireland, apparently using H. beanii
aw: RHS AM 1943
eval: despite the open, unkempt habit at time it remains a favorite in the genus for taller statue. There is
eval: little other choice for flowers so large.

Hypericum sp. (98FB164)

geo: Yangtser River Gorge, China
ll: 0.5 in.
id: similar to H. patulum

Hypericum 'Yellow Surprise'

ns: a listed name in Europe. Species affinity not known.