Part II

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The following discussion of junipers is not intended to be a complete enumeration of all known names and cultivars. It is intended to supplement and correct many of the well known conifer references cited under literature below. The focus of this document, like our society, is on the description of new cultivars and a clarification of information on rare and widely confused taxa. Additions and corrections are welcome and all will be considered for publication.

Individuals actively interested in Juniperus are encouraged to join the NOS and our JUNIPERUS STUDY GROUP which contributes information to this document.


'Angelica Blue' - click image

'Angelica Blue' - click image
Dawes Arboretum. Summer 2003. This is one of the better silvery-blue spreaders in the genus.

Juniperus x media 'Angelica Blue'
ha: lower, more horizontal than 'Pfitzeriana Glauca', reportedly a finer texture as well
lc: rich silvery-blue
or: Angelica Nurseries

Juniperus x media 'Arbuscula' (var. smithii Slavin)
ha: pyramidal but sometimes spreading as young plants
lt: scale-like, notably fetid scented when crushed
ns: VanMelle regarded it as a hybrid of J. chinensis x J. sabina. It is more like J. chinensis in habit.

Juniperus x media 'Arctic'
ht: 18-24 in. tall x 4-6 ft. wide
ha: Pfitzer type habit
lc: blue-green
ch: more cold hardy than 'Pfitzeriana' and most clones, a problem in some northern US states.

Juniperus x media 'Armstrong Dwarf'
ha: dwarf version of 'Armstrongii'
syn: listed by Select Nur. as J. chinensis armstrongi nana Mordigan
ns: name proposed here.
li: Select Nur. 1974 Wholesale catalog: 34

Juniperus x media 'Armstrong Fastigiate'
ns: proposed name
syn: listed as J. chinensis armstrongi fastigiata Mordigan by Select Nur.
ha: fastigiate or narrow version of 'Armstrongii' with branches having
ha: an 'interesting little twist'.
pat: applied for as of 1974 (?)
li: Select Nur. 1974 Wholesale catalog: 34

Juniperus x media 'Armstrong Gold' = 'Gold Coast'

'Armstrongii' - click image
Dawes Arboretum. Summer 2003. A wonderful dense, old speciman showing how it retains the shape over many years.

Juniperus x media 'Armstrongii' ('Pfitzeriana Nana' in part)
ht: 3-4 ft. tall x 4-6 ft. wide, smaller than 'Pfitzeriana' of the same age
ha: compact, neat, vigorous shoots sometimes finely branched and "lacy". A sport of it called
ha: 'Green Lace' (see below) gives this effect to a greater degree.
lc: bright, "fresh" green, a very pleasant color, lacking the wax of most Pfitzer type clones
lt: small, appresed leaves, most adult, scale-type except in the core of older plants
or: Dr. D. Cole Jr, Armstrong Nurseries, Ontario CA USA  c. 1932 as sport
li: Armstrong Nurseries Catalog 1932: 42

[Armstrongii variegated sport] - click image

Juniperus x media [Armstrongii variegated sport]

Juniperus x media 'Aurangi Gold'
ha: vase form
lc: bright yellow
or: sport of 'Mint Julep' found by Plantorama of S. Canterbury NZ in
or: 1992.
ns: the originator is located in the Aurangi area of NZ.
pat: patented. No number reported.
so: source (Cedar Lodge Nursery)

Juniperus x media 'Blound' = GOLD SOVEREIGN

'Blue Cloud' - click image
US National Arboretum. Spring 2003. Under four old plants of J. chinensis 'Stricta' this cultivatr shows it's appealing very rich blue color

Juniperus x media 'Blue Cloud'
ha: spreading, dense, shoots often thin, thread-like but pleasant so.
lc: blue-gray to steel blue
lt: has a savin-like (J. sabina) like scent.
ns: it's assignment to this hybrid species is based on habit alone. chemotax work would be helpful.
or: F.J. Grootendorst c. 1955
li: F.J. Grootendorst Catalog 1960-61: 9

Juniperus x media 'Blue and Gold' = J. 'Blue and Gold'
ns: it does not belong to this group.

Juniperus x media 'Berry Hill'
ha: lower and more spreading than 'Pfitzeriana' which can grow tall
or: Minier Nursery of Angers France in ? as sport of 'Pfitzeriana'
li: Minier Nursery catalog 1976

Juniperus x media 'Bordiers'
lc: golden tips
li: Dirr, M.A. 1998. Man. Woody Land. Plts. Stipes Publ. p. 505

Juniperus x media 'Carberry Gold'
ha: low spreading
lc: creamy yellow - not lemon yellow like 'Gold Coast'

Juniperus x media 'Daub's Frosted'
ht: 2 ft. tall x 4 ft. wide
ha: spreading to semi-pendulous
lc: blue green with tips a unique frosty yellow when new. It is of questionable beauty in most cliamtes.
so: Arrowhead Alpines 517-223-3581

Juniperus x media 'Dandelight'
ha: compact and low spreader
ht: 1.0m tall x 1.4m wide in 10 years
lc: bright lemon yellow becoming golden yellow in winter
lu: said to be more 'durable' in NZ than some other golden clones
or: Cedar Lodge Nursery NZ in Fall 1992
so: source (Cedar Lodge Nursery)

Juniperus x media 'Den Boer'
ht: 25cm tall x 1m wide
ha: compact, spreading
lc: green
or: A.F. den Boer, Des Moines IA USA 1930 as selection
in: Heard's Landscape Nurseries, Des Moines IA USA
li: Wyman. 1963. American Nurseryman 117(1): 15

Juniperus x media 'Fruitland' ('Fruitlandii')
ht: 3 ft. tall x 6 ft. wide
ha: spreading into compact and dense mound but decumbent as young plants
lc: very bright green compared to other clones
fot: 100% juvenile foliage
rai: much like a green version of 'Nick's Compact'
li: Monrovia Nursery catalog 1977: 55

Juniperus x media 'Gold Coast'
ha: denser than 'Pfitzeriana Aurea', elegangt with age
lc: bright golden yellow, persisting all summer and winter
lt: most adult, scale-like foliage, certainly more so than 'Pfitzeriana Aurea'
eval: the first "super gold" spreading juniper. Some like 'Saybrook Gold' or 'Gold Lace' better
in: Monrovia Nursery CA USA

Juniperus x media 'Goldkissen'
ha: compact version of 'Pfitzeriana Aurea'
lc: bright yellow tips with blue green juvenile foliage as it matures
fot: juvenile when mature
li: Laar, van der. 1983. Dendroflora 20: 70.
li: Welch, H.J. 1990. The conifer manual. Kluwer Press. p. 372

Juniperus x media 'Gold Lace'
ha: vigorous and spreading
ht: 2 ft. tall when 4 ft. wide
lc: brighter than 'Gold Star' 'even in winter'
or: sport of 'Gold Star' found by J.C. Bakker & Sons
pat: application in US applied for
li: Can. Orn. Pl. Found. News 3(1): 1 (1991)
so: wholesale source (J.C. Bakker)

Juniperus x media GOLD SOVEREIGN(tm) ('Blound')
ha: slower than 'Old Gold', thus more compact
or: sport of 'Old Gold' - presumably at Bressingham Gardens
lc: yellow all year round
pat: Humphrey Welch reports to us that it has UK Breeders Rights
li: Bressingham Gardens catalog: 1985: 51

Juniperus x media 'Gold Splash'
lc: as 'Pfitzeriana' but yellow mottled
ns: this is doubtless an invalid name
so: Coenosium Gardens 503-266-5471

GOLD STAR - click image
Dawes Arboretum. Summer 2003. The arching-spreading habit is obvious here. The color is not as good as some other new clones.

Juniperus x media GOLD STAR (Juniperus chinensis 'Gold Star')('Bakaurea')
or: sport of 'Pfitzeriana Aurea' in 1961 at J.C. Bakker & Sons Nur.
or: of Catherines Ont. Canada and propagated in 1963
fot: more juvenile than parent clone
syn: The name 'Pfitzeriana Aurea Compacta' has been used for this clone
syn: but that name may represent only a juvenile propagation
syn: of 'Pfitzeriana Aurea' that has similar habit BUT greener color.
syn: One can find juvenile shoots on most other gold clones too.
lc: bright yellow compared to parent clone and 'Old Gold'. It is less colorful by summer than 'Saybrook Gold' and not impressive for the
lc: less bright and more muddled pigments.

rd: with Canad. Orn. Pl. Found. (COPF) to Conard-Pyle of West Grove PA
pat US # ????
li: Hebb, R. 1972. Plant registrations. Arnoldia 32: 278.

'Golden Glow' - click imager

Juniperus x media 'Golden Glow'
ht: 2.5 ft. tall x 3-4 ft. wide, probably larger with some age
ha: compact, spreading
lt: intermediate to juvenile, more divergent foliage in the inner and in second year shoots.

lc: bright golden yellow
eval: it needs more trial with 'Saybrook Gold' as the two are somewhat similar as young plants.

Juniperus x media 'Green Lace' (armstrongii fastigiata Mordigan)
pat: US #3938
syn: listed as J. chinensis armstrongi fastigiata Mordigan by Select Nur.
ha: fastigiate or narrow version of 'Armstrongii' with branches having
ha: an 'interesting little twist'.
ns: the common Green Lace is used by Select Nur. and makes a more suitable
ns: cultivar name than 'Armstrongii Fastigiata Mordigan'
li: Select Nur. 1974 Wholesale catalog: 34 (and perhaps earlier)

Juniperus x media 'Green River'
ha: low vase-shaped plant much like 'Armstrongii'
lc: light green
li: Amfac Select Nur. January 1981 Wholesale Catalog: 38

Juniperus x media 'Hills Blue'
ht: lower than 'Pfitzeriana Glauca'
lc: blue-green to blue

Juniperus x media 'Holbert'
ht: 2-3 ft. tall x 8-10 ft. wide
ha: low, spreading, horizontal, quite flat
lc: blue-green
sex: male

Juniperus x media 'Improved Old Gold' provisional name
ns, in: a more persistantly gold clone of 'Old Gold' offered by Hines Nurseries USA. This name is
ns, in: not valid. The original 'Old Gold' can get a bit bronzing and muddled looking by summer.

Juniperus x media 'Kallay' ('Pfitzeriana Kallay Compacta', 'Pfitzeriana Kallay')
ht: 2-3 ft. tall x 5-6 ft. wide
ha: more compact, flatter  than 'Pfitzeriana'
lt: most juvenile, needle-type foliage
lc: dark green
or: Kallay Nursery, Painesville OH

'Kohankie's Compact' - click image
Dawes Arboretum. Summer 2003. A distinct and more erect cultivar.

Juniperus x media 'Kohankie's Compact'
ha: denser, globose to more upright and arching.
lc: blue-green
or: Kohankie Nursery, Painesville OH as 'Pfitzeriana' sport.
ns: The Arnold Arb. received as 'Pfitzeriana Compacta'. It was not, so Wyman gave it a new name.
li: Wyman. 1963. Amer. Nurs. 117(2): 60

'Kuriwao Gold' - click to enlarge
Conifer Collection, Greensboro Arboretum, NC. Spring 2003. The purpose of this website is to show the good, the bad, and the ugly. This is the last two at least in many climates. It is far less gold than the best new cultivars and the habit is hard to manage. I suppose it could make a nice hedge but there are so many better choices.

'Kuriwao Gold' - click image
Dawes Arboretum. Summer 2003. Note how much of the visible gold color comes from the stem rather than leaves themselves.

Juniperus x media 'Kuriwao Gold'
ht: 4-5 ft. tall x 3 ft. wide
ha: upright-spreading to wide oval, often open and relaxed in texture. I find it very hard to take as it needs constant staking and corrective pruning.
lc: golden new growth becomes yellowish-green. It is never bright gold like other cultivars. On close
lc: inspection it is most a bright green leaf with a yellow midrib or yellow tints. The stem color contributes much to the gold color.

Juniperus x media 'Kuriwao Mist'
ha: more open and taller than 'Kuriwao Gold' - oval in outline in time
lc: 'misty' white when young becoming blue to blue-green by summer
or: seedling by Ross Stuart of NZ around 1975
hp: presumably J. chin. 'Keteleeri' x media 'Pfitzeriana Aurea'. It would still belong to this hybrid species.
li: Welch, H.J. 1990. The conifer manual. Kluwer Press. p. 336

Juniperus x media 'Kuriwao Sunbeam' ('Sunbeam')('Sunshine')
lc: paler yellow than 'Kuriwao Gold'
fc: more upright than 'Kuriwao Gold'
sex: male clone as is 'Pfitzeriana Aurea'
or: seedling by Ross Stuart of NZ around 1975
hp: presumably J. chin. 'Keteleeri' x media 'Pfitzeriana Aurea'
li: Welch, H.J. 1990. The conifer manual. Kluwer Press. p. 336

Juniperus x media 'Lemon Hill'
ht: 12 in. or less
ha: very dwarf, compact, quite flat
lc: blue
or: Monrovia Nur. of Azusa CA around 1973
lu: sometimes used for bonsai.
li: Gelderen, D.M. van. 1985. Juniperus breed en plat groeiende cultivars.
li: Dendroflora 21: 3-33
so: catalog from Stanley and Sons

'Matthews Blue' - click image
Atlanta Botanical Garden. Spring 2003. This plant appeared quite upright and vigorous compared to other Pfitzers.

Juniperus x media 'Matthews Blue'
ha: As 'Pfitzerana Glauca' but more compact
lc: rich blue.
so: Arrowhead Alpines 517-223-3581

Juniperus x media 'Mathot'
ht: dense, more compact than 'Pfitzeriana'
lc: blue-green, notably silver banded
lt: most juvenile, needle-type foliage
or: Mathot Nursery, Boskoop, Netherlands c. 1940 as 'Pfitzeriana' sport.
in: originator 1947 to Dutch trade.

Juniperus x media 'Mayhew'
or: Morton Arb. received this as J. chinensis pfitzeriana Mayhew from
or: Joe Holler Nurs. of Paris IL in 1965
li: Swink, F. 1983. Catalog of the woody plants of the Morton Arboretum.
li: 207. Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL.

Juniperus x media 'Milky Way'
ha: low spreading
lc: dark green with creamy-white new growth. The two colors contrast.
so: Arrowhead Alpines 517-223-3581

Juniperus x media MINT JULEP(tm) 'Monlep'
ht: 4-6 ft. tall x 5-7 ft. wide
ha: compact, arching, fountain-like, one of the more upright cultivars of this group
lc: bright mint green, a pleasing color
eval: it is similar to 'Sea Green' and used the same way in landscapes.
in: Monrovia Nursery, Azusa CA USA
li: Monrovia Nursery Catalog 1960-61: 5

Juniperus x media 'Moraine' ('Pfitzeriana Moraine')
ht: 2 ft. tall x 5-6 ft. wide
ha: more compact than 'Pfitzeriana'
lc: blue-green
lt: mostly needle-type, juvenile foliage

'Mordigan' - click image
US National Arboretum. April 2003. This is the oldest plant we know of this cultivar and it is quite advanced in age. Younger plants are much less open or tufted.

Juniperus x media 'Mordigan' ('Pfitzerana Compacta Mordigan')
ha: compact 'Pfitzeriana' type and more slow than most compact clones, somewhat tufted in older plants
lc: darker, rich green

li: Amfac Select Nur. January 1981 Wholesale Cat.: 39 (and perhaps earlier)

Juniperus x media 'Mordigan Gold' ('Mordiganii Aurea')('Mordigan Aurea')
lc: yellow all summer
ha: low and spreading with nodding tips
fot: mostly juvenile unlike 'Gold Coast'
or: first reported to us in Hillside Cat. of 1970 - it is unclear how
or: it is related to 'Mordigan' found by P. Mordigan in 1951. There
or: at least 5 clones with the Mordigan name - see 'Armstrong Dwarf'.
rai: should be evaluated alongside 'Saybrook Gold' which is most similar

Juniperus x media 'Nelson's Compact' ('Nelson', 'Pfitzeriana compact Nelson's var.')
ht: 3 ft. tall x 5 ft. wide
ha: more compact than 'Pfitzeriana'
lc: blue-green
or: Morton Arb. received it as J. chinensis pfitzeriana compact Nelson's var.
or: from Pallack Bros. Nur. of Harmony PA in 1957.
li: Swink, F. 1983. Catalog of the woody plants of the Morton Arboretum.
li: 207. Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL.

Juniperus x media 'New Gold'
ns: it is listed with 'Old Gold' as a provisional name
or: Jean Iseli of Boring OR
li: Iseli, J. 1983. Iseli plant list 12/18/83. personal communication.

'Nick's Compact' ('Pfitzeriana Nick's Compact', 'Nicks Compacta') - click image
Greensboro Arboretum, NC. Spring 2003. Some plants in the trade look like this and others much more like the photo below for Pfitzeriana Compact Group

Juniperus x media 'Nick's Compact' ('Pfitzeriana Nick's Compact', 'Nicks Compacta')
ht: 2-3 ft. tall x 4-6 ft. wide, usually kept low
ha: dense, spreading, lower than 'Pfizteriana Compacta'
lc: silvery blue-green
lt: almost purely juvenile, needle-type leaves, more so than 'Pfitzeriana Compacta'
id: it is best regarded as a stable, 100% juvenile selection of 'Pfitzeriana Compacta'. One can select
id: and raise similar plants by careful selection. This clonal name is useful since the traits have
id: been stable which cannot be said of all juvenile selections.

Juniperus x media 'Old Gold'
ht: 3 ft. tall x 4-5 ft. wide
lc: bright bronze-yellow to golden yellow, holding color most of the year
in: Grootendorst Nursery before 1958, thought to be a sport of 'Pfitzeriana Aurea'
li: Grootendorst Nursery Catalog 1958-59: 11

Juniperus x media 'Owen' ('Pfitzeriana Owen', 'Owens')
ht: 3-4 ft. tall x wider
ha: compact, lower than 'Pfitzeriana'
lc: blue-green
lt: mostly juvenile, needle-type foliage
ch: very cold hardy. Dirr says it is more hardy than 'Ozark Compact'

Juniperus x media 'Ozark Compact'
ha: another compact, needle-leaves 'Pfitzeriana' selection
lt: most juvenile, needle-type foliage

Juniperus x media 'Pfitzeriana' ('Pfitzerana')
ht: 6-10 ft. tall x 15-20 ft. wide. Very large old plants are known to larger still.
ha: spreading, more horizontal than erect, tips drooping with age.
lc: gray-green
lt: most adult, scale-type but in the core of older plant needle-type shoots occur. These have been
lt: used to produce numerous compact selections over the years.
ns: it was spelled 'Pfitzerana' for some years until it was decided that the original "i" belonged after all.
ns: it was a debate among botanical Latin scholars for some time. The RHS considers it a hybrid
ns: species, J. x pfiteriana (see below) but this is a dubious name change.
or: Spath received as 'Pendula' (as previously taken name). He renamed for his friend W. Pfitzer, a
or: nurseryman in Stuttgart. VanMelle had an odd theory it came from Inner Mongolia where similar
or: plants appear, one coming from A. David in 1866.

Juniperus x media 'Pfitzeriana Aurea'
ha: as 'Pfitzeriana'
lc: golden-golden becoming gray-green quickly, only the the tips remaining yellow in summer
lt: slightly more needle-type, juvenile foliage than 'Pfitzeriana'
or: D.Hill Nursery, Dundee IL USA 1923 as sport of 'Pfitzeriana'
in: originator in 1937.

Pfitzeriana Compact Group ('Pfitzeriana Compacta') - click image
Pullen Park, Raleigh NC USA. This is the ideal outcome for this variable group. The color is rich icy blue which comes from uniform juvenile foliage when the cutting is selected. Some plants of 'Nick's Compact' are comparible but not all.

Juniperus x media Pfitzeriana Compact Group ('Pfitzeriana Compacta')
ha: smaller, denser than 'Pfitzeriana'
lt: this name is used for numerous clonal selectons of 'Pfitzeriana' which are smaller and made out
lt: of juvenile, needle-like foliage from 60-90% of the mass.
ns: it does not always prove stable in the amount of foliage type and so no distinct "original clone" can
ns: be isolated and started as a standard. Thus a cultivar group is best used.
eval: modern clones like 'Nick's Compact' and 'Fruitland' are more attactive.
id: denOuden & Boom consider "Nick's Compact" as a the common name. In the US trade the two
id: names were never the same thought the two are variants of the same theme.
or: Bobbink & Atkins Nursery, NJ USA
li: Bobbink & Atkins Catalog 1930.

Juniperus x media 'Pfitzerana Glauca'
ha:  as 'Pfitzeriana' but slightly more dense. It is horizontal compared to the 45 degree 'Hetzii'.
lc: more blue-green than the grayer 'Pfitzeriana', often purplish tinged in winter.
sex: male - confused with 'Hetzii' which is female with numerous blue cones.
or: Sherman, Texas Nursery Co., TX USA before 1940
in, pat: US# 422 to originator in 1940
li: Texas Nursery Co.Catalog 1940

Juniperus x media 'Ramlosa' ('Ramulosa')
or: H. Jensen of Sweden around 1975
ns: although this name is similar to the latin epithet ramulosa this is
ns: a proper name. In conversation people have confused this with
ns: torulosa?
li: Gelderen, D.M. van. 1985. Juniperus breed en plat groeiende cultivars.
li: Dendroflora 21: 3-33

Juniperus x media 'Reid's Goldrift'
ha: compact variant of 'Pfitzerana Aurea'
lc: yellow
ft: mostly juvenile

Juniperus x media 'Richeson'
ht: 30cm tall x 1m wide
ha: compact, lower than 'Pfitzeriana'
lt: partly juvenile, needle-like, needles said to be short
lc: blue-green
or: L.J. Richeson, Ontario, Canada 1941 as 'Pfitzeriana' sport.
li: Armstrong Nursery Catalog 1946

'Sarcoxie' - click image
Dawes Arboretum. Summer 2003. This uncommon but appearling cultivar has good form and fairly normal color.

Juniperus x media 'Sarcoxie'
ht: 4-5 ft. tall x 5-6 ft. wide
ha: spreading-horizontal, slighter wider than tall, denser than original 'Pfitzeriana' but still with numerous defined "arms" of foliage
lc: greyish-green, similar to the original Pfitzer clone
lt: adult to intermediate

''Saybrook Gold' - click image
Dawes Arboretum. Summer 2003. A magnificent old plant showing how it stays compact and gold the entire year.

'Saybrook Gold' - click image
Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Richmond, Virginia. Spring 2003. This example shows the effective grouping of this bright cultivar and
the elegant drooping tips.

Juniperus x media 'Saybrook Gold'
ht: 2-3 ft. tall x 6 ft. wide
ha: compact, dense, gracefully spreading
lc:bright golden yellow all year
lt: most juvenile, needle-type but sometimes a mix.
eval: best regarded as the best needle-type golden pfitzer.
or: Girard Nurseries, OH USA
so: Rich's Foxwillow Pines Nursery

Juniperus x media 'Schroeder'
or: this is listed apart from other clones without description but as
or: Schroeder's Selection.
li: Evergreen Nur. Co. Spring 1972 Wholesale List: 6

Juniperus x media 'Sea Green'
ha: urpright-spreading to vase-like
lc: bright green
lt: most adult, scale-type but slight diverged, semi-juvenile foliage appears at the base
id: it is similar to MINT JULEP but they are thought to be of different origins. If anything, this is
id: a shade dark or less mint green.
sex: female

Juniperus x media 'Sea Green Variegated'
or: Jean Iseli of Boring OR c. 1979
li: Iseli, J. 1983. Iseli plant list 12/18/83. personal communication.

Juniperus x media 'Sea Spray'
ht: 12-15 in. tall x 5-6 ft. wide
ha: low, spreading, dense
lc: blue-green
lt: soft-textured, a mixture of semi-juvenile and adult foliage
dr: resistant to blight, water mold, and root rot.
ch: cold hardy to -20 deg. F.
or: sport of 'Pfitzeriana Glauca'
in: Hines Nursery 1972

'Staylow' - click image
Dawes Arboretum. Summer 2003. This is the oldest plant of the clone we have seen in the US.

Juniperus x media 'Staylow'
ht: 24-36 in. tall x 4-7 ft. wide
ha: low-spreading, much shorter than
lc: medium green to greyish-green

Juniperus x media 'Sulphur Spray' = J. 'Sulphur Spray'
ns: a sport of 'Hetzii' it does belong under J. x media.

Juniperus x media 'Sunsplash' NAME WITHDRAWN
fot: juvenile foliage as in 'Nick's Compact'
lc: blue green as but heavily mottled yellow
ns: this is NOT 'Gold Splash' nor the clone of J. conferta. Since this clone was not registered
ns: or produced we have withdrawn use of this name. It may appear in a few collections as such, however.
or: found by L. Hatch in Raleigh NC in 1985 as sport of 'Pfitzeriana Compacta'
rai: it is like a compact juvenile-foliage version of 'Blue and Gold'

Juniperus x media 'Tiverton'
rai: improved sport of 'Pfitzerana Glauca'. Further detail is not
rai: available.
so: source (Cedar Lodge Nursery)

Juniperus x media 'Winter Surprise'
cvg: Pfitzer
ha: as 'Pfitzeriana'
lc: blue green with yellow mottling
or: sport of 'Pfitzeriana Aurea'
li: Klaveren, Van. 1984. Dendroflora 21: 23.
li: Welch, H.J. 1990. The conifer manual. Kluwer Press. p. 376


Juniperus occidentalis 'Callahan Blue'
lc: rich blue
or: Frank Callahan of Gold Hill OR

Juniperus x pfitzeriana 'William Pfitzer' = J. x media 'Pfitzerana' - 9/99 ADDITION
ns: this name is considered by the RHS to be the correct name name for the original
ns: clone of Pfitzer juniper. This is based on the assumption that the name J. x media
ns: of VanMelle was previously used for another taxa and is therefore invalid. We do not
ns: believe this exclusion of J. x media to be reasonable based on the evidence available. It
ns: it quite a stretch to exclude VanMelle's name after 5 decades of good taxonomic study,
ns: especially on such thin evidence.

Juniperus procumbens 'Albovariegata' = 'Variegata'

Juniperus procumbens 'Aureovariegata'

lc: blue-green mottled yellow to about 20-30% of tissue
ns: 'Golden' may be regarded as an improved chimeral selection

Juniperus procumbens 'Golden'

lc: blue-green mottled yellow to 30-50% of tissue.
ns: it is distinct from older 'Aureovariegata'. The simple descriptive
ns: name 'Golden' is allowable since it has been in use before
ns: the Cultivated Code rejected such general names.
or: it has been sold by Monrovia Nursery but origin is not determined.
or: It is similar to all juvenile propagations of J. chinensis
or: (davurica) 'Expansa Aureovariegata' and it may in fact belong
or: to that species.

Juniperus procumbens 'Nana'

ha: dense and semi-dwarf
lc: blue green
or: D.Hill Nur.

Juniperus procumbens 'Nana Glauca'

ha: as 'Nana'
lc: blue green
ns: this name appears on old nursery lists for a bluer 'Nana'. It may
ns: be the same as 'Santa Rosa' but no living plants under this
ns: name have been examined by L.Hatch at this time. It could even
ns: be J. horizontalis 'Glauca Nana' as that species and cultivars
ns: were often confused with J. procumbens.

Juniperus procumbens 'Nana Hill' = 'Nana'


Juniperus procumbens 'Nana Greenmound' = Juniperus 'Greenmound'


Juniperus procumbens 'Santa Rosa' ('Nana Californica')

ha: slower and 'finer-textured' variant of 'Nana'
lc: bluer green than 'Nana'
ns: This is at least one of the clones circulating as J. squamata
ns: 'Prostrata' - another clone is Juniperus 'Greenmound'
or: This CA clone of 'Nana' is distinct from the original Midwestern
or: 'Nana' of D.Hill Nur. Dundee IL.
li: Dirr, M.A. 1983. Manual of woody landscape plants. 372. Stipes
li: Pub. Co., Champaign, IL. (as 'Nana Californica')

Juniperus procumbens 'Variegata' ('Albovariegata')

lc: blue green mottled creamy white
id: true 'Aureovariegata' and 'Golden' are distinctly yellow mottled
id: at least one nursery (Select Nur.) uses this name for J. chinensis
id: 'Expansa Aureovariegata' which has mixed juvenile and adult
id: foliage and distinct yellow markings.

Juniperus recurva 'Audrey' (8/02)
ht: 3m - taller than brother clone 'Ron'
ha: upright, pyramidal
lc: blue-gray
or, so: Blue Mountain Nurseries, New Zealand

Juniperus recurva 'Castlewellan'
ha: taller than species typical, distinctly pendulous with limbs often perpendicular to the trunk
lt: shoots often thin, thread-like, filiform
or: Castlewellan, N. Ireland before 1965
li: denOuden and Boom. 1965. Man. Cult. Conifers. p. 186

Juniperus recurva var. coxii (Jacks.) Melville (Juniperus coxii Jacks.)
ht: 80 ft. in many years - 3m tall in 10 years (where fully hardy). Wild plants reach 100 ft.
ha: narrowly pyramidal - var. recurve is wider, branches slender and drooping, sometimes rope-like.
ha: It usually has a single trunk while var. recurva is frequently multi-stemmed from the very base.
ll: 5-14mm long - var. recurva is 3-6mm
lw: - 2-3mm wide - var. recurva is 0.5-1.0mm
lc: rich dark green
geo: Upper Burma, usually at 3000m elevation or higher
ch: USDA 7-8 - less cold hardy than most garden variants of var. recurva
in: E.H.M. Cox and Reginal Farrer to UK 1920 from wild. It is named in honor of Mr. Cox.
lu: a lovely stunning plant. It's function is replaced by J. rigida 'Pendula' and weeping J.
lu: communis clones in colder climates.

Juniperus recurva 'Embley' (var. viridiis Hillier)
ht: 1.5m tall x 3.0m wide in many years
ha: low, spreading, shrub-like, shorter internodes
lc: rich green - hence the original but invalid name var. viridis
ll: 6-8mm
or: Embley Park, Romsey, England, likely from material sent by G. Forrest from Yunnan in 1929. Bean
or: says it comes from "the three plants there" so this may be polyclonal (?).
li: Hillier, H. 1964. Dw. Con. p. 39 (as var. viridis which is not published before 1959)
li: Wansdyke Nurseries 1961: 6 (as 'Embley')

Juniperus recurva 'Ron' (8/02)
ht: 2m - shorter than sister clone 'Ron'
ha: upright, pyramidal
lc: blue-gray all year (NZ)
or, so: Blue Mountain Nurseries, New Zealand

Juniperus sabina 'Arcadia Compact'

ha: more compact than 'Arcadia'
ht: 1 ft. tall x 5-8 ft. wide
lc: medium green, similar to 'Arcadia'

Juniperus sabina 'Blue Forest'

ha: multi-stems with main stems distinctly vertical. It appears to
ha: be a miniature forest of small dense conicaly blue trees. It
ha: is like a J. sabina version of the old J. horizontalis 'Alpina'
ha: and with age shows the same splitting effect.
ns: it has sometimes been listed under J. chinensis but we believe
ns: this species affinity to be correct. Vertical forms of J. sabina
ns: as well known and 'Erecta' is the best known one.
lc: bright blue but not silvery.
lt: mostly intermediate to highly juvenile.
in: Wayside Gardens to US?

Juniperus sabina 'Golden Tam' [provisional name]

lc: presumably golden
li: Iseli, J. 1983. Iseli plant list 12/18/83. personal communication.
ns: this is NOT 'Motherlode'. We have written to Iseli staff to determine
ns: if the plant still exists and will be marketed (2/92).
or: Jean Iseli of Boring OR. He listed in his collection since 1983.

Juniperus sabina 'Heidi' (Juniperus horizontalis 'Heidi')

fc: very dark green
li: Vermeulen Nur.Cat. Spring 1975: 16
or: unknown but not at Vermeulen Nursery according to that firm
so: specimens exist at RBG Hamilton and NC State Arboretum for research
lt: have Savin odor when crushed
la: acute and non-apiculate like true J. horizontalis
ns: originally sold as a J. horizontalis

Juniperus sabina 'Hoar Frost'

ha: compact, low spreading, foliage often tufted into clusters.
lc: yellow new foliage becoming green with maturity

Juniperus sabina 'Jade'

or: Fairview Nur. in ?

Juniperus sabina 'Mini Arcade'

ht: 1 ft.
ha: lower spreading version of popular 'Arcadia'
lc: 'soft green'
ns: may be the same or very similar to 'Arcadia Compact'
so: Bailey Nur. (wholesale)

Juniperus sabina 'Moor-Dense' ('Monard')

ha: dense compact spreader suitable for ground cover use
ha: very symmetrical and uniform with radiating branches
ha: center does NOT mound up with age like some cultivars
lc: bright 'crisp' green
ht: 8-12 in.
wd: 5-6 feet
or: Monrovia Nursery as a sport of 'Broadmoor'
so: Monrovia Nursery and local garden centers carrying their line

Juniperus sabina 'New Blue' = 'Tam No Blight'

Juniperus sabina 'Pepin'

ha: upright
lc: blue-green
dr: blight resistant

Juniperus sabina 'Sierra Spreader'

ha: low spreading
lc: green all year
ht: 1 ft. x 5-6 ft. wide
li: Dirr, M. 1998. Man. Woody Land. Plts. Stipes Publishing. P. 518.

Juniperus sabina 'Tam No Blight' ('New Blue')

ha: as 'Tamariscifolia' but compact
lc: more blue green than grey green of typical clones
dr: said to be blight resistant
li: Gelderen, D.M. van. 1985. Juniperus breed en plat groeiende cultivars.
li: Dendroflora 21: 3-33
so: Arrowhead Alpines 517-223-3581 (as 'New Blue')

Juniperus sabina 'Tamariscifolia Compacta' = 'Tam No Blight

Juniperus squamata 'Blue Carpet'

li: van der Laar in Dendroflora 9: 47 (1972)

Juniperus squamata 'Blue Spider'

li: Nieuwesteeg in Dendroflora 17: 49 (1978)

Juniperus squamata 'Gold Flash' ('Golden Flash'?)

ht: 1.5m tall x 1.5m wide in 10 years
lc: golden mottled on blue green
lt: as 'Meyeri'
or: sport of 'Meyeri' from NZ
so: source (Cedar Lodge Nursery)

Juniperus squamata 'Golden Flame'

in: Bressingham Gardens

Juniperus squamata 'Prostrata' = Juniperus 'Greenmound' in part 

Juniperus squamata 'Spence Silver'

ha: as 'Meyeri' but more compact
lc: silver-grey new growth becoming silvery blue
so: source (Cedar Lodge Nursery)

Juniperus 'Snowy Owl' (Juniperus virginiana 'Snowy Owl')

ha: spreading
lc: blue grey as 'Grey Owl' but mottled creamy yellow
hp: see under J. 'Grey Owl'