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INTRODUCTION: There are hundreds of named cultivars - 800 by one estimate. Some of them are near hopelessly confused in the trade with multiple clones and equally bad grafting styles. We have endeavored with the help of some experts, leading literature, and recently published evaluations to narrow down the list.

As ever, the New Ornamentals Society will be updating things as often as breakthroughs and new research merits. If you have a truly superior, well-tested, and documented cultivar to add here please write us with as much scientific evidence and descriptive detail as can be provided. If all you know is "pretty pink buds and lots of red fruit" you're out of consideration.

Your society editors felt that a purely alphabetical order would not be as helpful as groupings for major traits like double flowers, habit, flower color, and fruit color. Some cultivars fit in more than one group and are assigned more than once if all categories in which they excel.  We've included some oddities with cherry-like bark, spicy fragrance, yellow bark, oddly colored fruit, lobed or cut leaves, and unusually shaped petals that will add interest to any arboretum.

It is VERY IMPORTANT to consult your local arboretum or extension service before planting crabapples in any quanity or in important, visible locations. Some publish good lists of the modern cultivars. They can assist us to determine which diseases are severe in specific area and which cultivars have performed the best. Your local garden, sad to say, probably only sells what is cheap or hyped to them without regard to our best interests. Many look you straight in the eye, lying or ignorant, and tell you some old cultivar does very well. They've never grown it and perhaps never seen it outside the sales yard. "Pretty pink" flowers can give way to a defoliated or dead tree by mid-summer. More than one landscape architect has ruined their rep (and been sued) for mistakes with the sometimes aptly named genus Malus. Some seem to go with the fanciest, fun-sounding trademark name or what is patented for some unknown reason to real horticulturists. If you have very profesional, worldclass garden center that actually reads current literature and consults with unbiased evaluators seek them out.

Also consider our list of doubles, some of which set little or no fruit. These are imporant for near walkways where abundant-fruitng clones can get messy and even very dangerous after a rain. There's nothing like slippery, molding, rotting fruit outside your client's lawfirm or a busy shopping entrance. Be careful and enjoy this amazing but troubled group of trees.

If you want more reading there is no better book than Fiala's Flowering Crabapples. It can be hard to find (2003) but most internet booksellers have a few around or will get you a decent used copy. I got a $25 copy of this sometimes $50 book with two bruised corners - which I would have inflicted in a week's time anyhow. Dirr's 1998 Manual has good comments but is already outdated and missing some of the good new stuff. Jacobson's underused North American Landscape Trees is also recommended for good discussions on history, nomenclature, and ornamental merit. Also consult the wholesale nursery websites. Run a search for Malus plus any cultivar name (no quotation marks) and many interesting references will come up - many with frank and valid opinions of the cultivars.



Angel Choir - 12 foot upright, light pink buds open double white, some dark red fruit, very disease tolerant so far
® - vase-shaped to globose, large scented rose pink flowers, leaves tinged dark red, nice dark fall foliage, greenish-yellow fruit
Bridal Bouquet - huge double white flowers, very little if any fruit
Bridal Crown - smallish 12 foot tree, full double white in coursage-like look, some red fruit
Cameron - vigorous ovoid tree, bright purplish-red flowers with pinker center, glossy purple fruit, bronze new foliage
coronaria 'Nieuwland' - reddish-rose buds open rich pink to 2 inches wide, very nice scent
Cotton Candy - 12 ft. globose, dark pink full double to semi-double, dark yellow fruit is not persistant, disease resistant
Cranberry Lace - columnar to upright, red buds open dark pink, semi- to full double, small dark fruit. One of top narrow doubles.
Doubloons - smallish 10 foot tree, red buds open to 15 petalled whiter, fruit gold to tan-yellow, dark textured foliage
Egret - small 6 foot weeper, pinkbuds open blush white and double, first double weeper!, long narrow blade, mid-sized red fruit

ioensis 'Fimbriata' - double pink and highly incised or fimbriated petals, nice scent too, rarely fruit in any quanity, a curiosity item

ionensis 'Prairie Rose' - rich violet-like scent, double rich pink flowers, better than 'Plena' with more disease resistance, no fruit
Karen - 12 foot vase-shaped, dark carmine buds open double fuchsia becoming white. Fiala rates it highly.
MADONNA 'Mazam' - compact 20 foot, very full rose-like white, rich jasmine type scent, tiny brownish-red fruit is sparse. A top white double.
Magic Mirror - upright to broadly columnar, dark rose-re buds iopen semi-double rich red, nice red fruit, reddish foliage
Maybride - spreading, pink buds open white, up to 18 petals, greenish and not very appealing fruit
Ross's Double Red - 12 feet, carmine buds open full double pink, very long bloom period, red tinged leaf, no real fruit, resistant except mild scab
sargentii 'Rancho Ruby' - globose, double red flowers, tiny yellowish fruit adds little
spectabilis 'Riversii' - full pink double (to 20 petals), yellowish fruit, moderate scab, a very stunning tree when old and mature
toringo 'Fuji' - 25 feet spreading, purplish-red buds open greenish-white, double (to 15 petals), nice orange-yellow fruit, slight scab and mildew possible



ANNE E® 'Manbeck Weeper' - broadly weeping, pink buds open white, bright red persistant fruit, scab and blight resistant
Autumn Delight - weeping to broadly mounded, pink buds open white, very nice yellow to orange and some red fall colors
Cheal's Weeping - lilac rose-red flowers, dark red but sparse fruit. Gets scab but a pretty tree if that is not a local issue
Color Parade - 12 foot weeper, red buds open white, coral-red fruit persists, good disease resistance.
Coral Cascade - spreading at first but maturing to weep, dark coral-red buds open blush, coral-orange fruit is persistant, dark leaf, very disease resistant
Dancing Elf - 6 foot dwarf weeper, pink buds open white, gold blushed fruit, disease resistant, proven for small gardens and patios
Gypsy Dancer - speading to semi-pendulous, red buds open white, tricolor fruit in red, yellow, and coral
Little Troll - graceful form. Single red to white flowers. Orange-red fruit. Dark leaf. A winner.
Lullaby - compact weeper to 6 ft. Red to white and pink, semi-double. Yellow-orange fruit. Dark leaf.
Oekonomierat Echtermeyer (Pink Weeper) - purplish-red buds open pink, dark purplish-green leaf, bad scab but it's widely grown and an interesting tree with time
Egret - small 6 foot weeper, pinkbuds open blush white and double, first double weeper!, long narrow blade, mid-sized red fruit
Exzellenz Thiel - smallish weeper, red buds open pink, single to semi-double, yellow tinged red fruit every other year
Firedance - dwarf 5 foot weeper, red buds open white, bright red fruit
Fountain - low 5 foot weeper, octoploid, pink buds open white, dark red fruit, odd misshapen leaves are the only drawback.
Lee - 12 foot weeper, light pink buds open double white, little or no fruit
Little Troll - 10 foot weeper, red buds open white, orange-red and small fruit
Louisa - 15 ft. dome to weeper, pink buds open clean pink, dark glossy leaf, yellow blushed fruit. A real winner from Polly Hill
Lullaby - 6 foot weeper, smaller version of 'Red Jade', red buds open white, nice dark and narrow leaf, small red fruit
Luwick - 6 ft. x 10 ft. weeper, very graceful form, dark pink buds open lighter pink, dark leaf, much dark red fruit
Maria - 12 foot weeper, dark red buds open red, bright red new growth, thickish blade, dark red fruit in abundance, very disease resistant

® - spreading weeper, reddish-rose buds open white, abundant glossy orange-red fruit, yellow fall color, interesting yellow bark
Pagoda - globose weeper to 12 feet, carmine buds open white, orange-red fruit
prunifolia 'Pendula' - pink buds open white, orange fruit. Very rare tree but pleasant when seen in collections
Red Jade - 15 foot weeper, pink buds open white, fruit matures to red, very disease limited in some regions.
Red Swan - 10 foot weeper, red buds open pink then white, narrow leaf, gold fall color, bright red fruit. Resembles a weeping cherry tree.
- elegant 10 foot weeper, rich pink flowers, darkl red fruit, bronze to purplish leaf.
Sea Foam - 5 foot low weeper, dark red buds open white, bright red fruit. Faila's tree not 'Seafoam' of others
Snow Ballerina - dwarf weeper, dark pink buds open white, bright red persistant fruit, disease proof except light scab. Stays under 5 feet.
True Love - 8 foot weeper, pink buds open white, bright red persistant fruit, disease resistant, nice fine-leaved texture
® 'Weepcanzam' - 15 foot irregularl weeper, red buds open pink, leaves purple becomine reddish, bright persistant red fruit
'Cascole' - 15 foot weeper, red buds open white, narrow leaf, yellowish fruit, proven disease resistance so far


GOLDEN YELLOW FRUIT - disease resistance varies

Autumn Treasure - semi-weeping, 10 ft. single, red buds open white, early persistant fruit
Ballerina - 15 ft, upright. bright yellow half inch fruit, single white cupped flowers
Bob White - dense, pink buds open white, fruit brownish to pale yellow but very persistant through winter, bears alternate years however
Burton - single pink buds open white, very disease resistant. Rare will probably become popular in coming years.
Canary - vigorous, spreading but somewhat open with age, 16 ft. , smallish white flowers, rich yellow fruit. Good disease resistance so far.
Canarybird - 15 foot, carmine buds open white, dark gold fruit matures amber-gold
Cheal's Golden Gem - pink buds open white, largish and abundant yellow fruit. Prone to fireblight but other diseases are resisted
'Cinzam' - oval to globose, 8 ft.. dark cut leaves. single red buds become white. Can get scab but not everywhere
Cotton Candy - compact, ovoid-globose. thick dark leaves. Nearly double pink flowers. Fruit short-lived.
Dorothea - globose, 25 ft. pink to white semi-double. A classic but disease prone.
Doublooms - dense, globose 12 ft. Double pink buds open white. Pretty but possible scab.
Gibbs Golden Gage - globose, 20 ft. single pink to white. Large 1 in. fruit. Very disease resistant.
Golden Dream - globose 12 foot tree, red buds open white, bright gold fruit
Golden Galaxy - upright, 15 ft. Single pink to white flowers. Bright gold half inch fruit.
Golden Hornet - upright-spreading, 25 ft. single pink to white. Scab and fireblight can be severe.
- globose-horizontal, 20 ft. Single pink to white. Nice dark cut foliage. A top choice.
Harvest Gold - columnar to vase, 30 ft. Single red to white. Flowers during leafing so effect is inferior. Very persistant fruit and good disease resistance.
Holiday Gold - 18 foot tree, pink buds open white, very bright gold fruit
'Lanzam' - oval, 10 ft. red buds open white. Very scab resistant. Fruit quite persistant.
Mollie Ann - semi-drooping, 8 ft.. dark red buds open white. Good resistant in trails so far. Light yellow fruit.
Park Center - vase-shaped, 25 ft. light pink flowers. Good resistance. Small but pretty fruit.
Satin Cloud - dense, globose, dwarf 8 ft. all white spice-scented flowers. Dark thick leaves. dark golden fruit.
Shaker's Gold - upright-spreading, 15 ft. Single pink to white. Persistant gold tinged orange fruit. Not for use in fireblight prone areas.
toringo 'Fuji' - 25 feet spreading, purplish-red buds open greenish-white, double (to 15 petals), nice orange-yellow fruit, slight scab and mildew possible
White Cascade - weeping, 15 ft. Single pink to white. Small but showy fruit.
Woven Gold - semi-drooping, 12 ft. Single red to white. Dark leaf. Persistant gold fruit.
Yellow Jewel - dwarf 8 foot tree, dark pink buds open blush, bright yellow fruit


WHITE FLOWERS FROM PINK BUDS - Some of our favorites

Adirondack - compact, obovoid to erect, 2 in. flowers, yellow blushed red fruit, multiple disease resistance, from Dr. Egolf's USDA breeding work
baccata 'Walters' - early flowering (as species), very cold hardy, more scab and fireblight resistant than other clones of this species
Birdland - globose 30 footer, nice fragrance, yellow and orange fruit is loved by birds, annual bearing, good resistance except light scab
Callaway - globose, pink buds open to huge white flowers, very large canning-quality red fruit, very large green leaf. Highly adapted to Southeastern US.
Centennial - large 2 inch fruit is edible, flowers also very showy, cold hardy in MN USA, good disease resistance too
David - neat globose form, light pink buds open to 1.5 inch white, fruit glossy red, very disease resistant in some trials
Full Sails - 12 feet, light pink buds open semi-double white, bright red persistant fruit, very disease resistant to date
Henry Kohankie - globose 20 foot tree, largish 1.75 in. flowers, edible but always showy fruit, disease resistance varies from good to superb
Jewelberry - dense dwarf to 8 feet, red buds open blush to white, glossy red fruit in abundance, disease reports vary
Koi - 14 foot upright, dark pink buds open white, bright orange-red persistant fruit, a real winter charmer, very high disease resistance
®  -  dwarf 10 foot tree, red buds open white, nice rich green leaf, yellowish and very persistant fruit
Ormiston Roy - 20 ft. wide spreadiner, red buds open light pink then white, yellowish but poorly colored fruit, very disease resistant
Peter Murray - 10 foot, pink buds open white, gold and orange persistant fruit in very heavy amounts, disease resistant
Satin Cloud - dense globose ("as if sheared") to 10 feet, light pink buds open stainy white, rich spicy scent, thick dark leaf, rich fall colors
Snowdrift - vigorous dense and globose, pink buds open white, nice fragrance, glossy leaf, abundant orange-red fruit, usually no disease of any kind
- upright ovoid, light pink buds open white, fruit matures to persistant and red, proven disease resistance



Bluebeard - 12 foot globose, purplish-red flowers, bronzed leaf, fruit a very diffeent purplish-red with blue bloom and tints, some scab and leafspot
Butterfly - 8 foot dwarf, bright pink buds open lighter pink, unusual narrow petals, bright red small fruit
Cardinal Robe - globose to 15 ft., bright red flowers, bright red half inch fruit, unique for cherry-like and showy bark
Chestnut - red buds open white, bronze-red to orange fruit has a unique chestnut like flavor, very fruitful
- unique for deeply lobed leaves, a neat 10 foot tree of good density, white flowers, light yellow fruit
hupehensis 'Wayne Douglas' - unique twisted and picturesque form, thickish trunk, similar flowers and fruit as species
ioensis 'Fimbriata' - double pink and highly incised or fimbriated petals, nice scent too, rarely fruit in any quanity, a curiosity item
Joy - 12 foot globose, tetraploid, unusual grayish-purple to "lavender dappled" leaf, coral pink flowers, purplish fruit, nothing like that leaf!
Limelight - 14 foot tree, pink buds open white, richly textured dark red, unique chartreuse to lime green fruit, mild scab. Contrasts with red-fruited cultivars
Magic Flute - 8 foot dwarf, purplish buds open to orchid shades, persistant red fruit, disease resistant to date, very unique flower color
- spreading weeper, reddish-rose buds open white, abundant glossy orange-red fruit, yellow fall color, interesting yellow bark
Orange Crush - it's not really orange-flowered but the buds certainly some orange tints.
Prairifire - 20 foot dense and globose, dark red buds open purplish-red, some good fall foliage, fruit glossy purplish-red, interesting cherry-like bark
tschonoskii - 40 foot pyramidal, unique whitish to silvery new foliage, white flowers but not floriferous, yellowish fruit, rich red fall colors, bad fireblight


RED FRUIT - a few favorites

baccata 'Halward' - 15 foot globose, white from bud to open, floriferous, 1cm red fruit, dark glossy leaf, very disease resistant
™ - dense but variable habit, red buds open white, abundant small holly-sized fruit, bears most every year, disease resistant
Crimson Comet - 12 foot, crimson buds open white, very glowing red fruit, disease resistant
Gemstone - small 8 foot tree, dark carmine-red buds open blush, narrow dark leaf, very shiny garnet red fruit that's very persistant
Indian Summer - wide open form, dark red buds open rose-red, bright red fruit, fall colors often showy, very highly resistant
Lady - dense form, large yellow blushed red fruit is very showy on the plant or cut for decoration, scab prone but still loved where that's a minor concern
Leprechaun - dwarf 8 foot tree, red buds open white, tons of small red fruit that persists through winter
Naragansett - wide 15 foot tree, strong crotch angles, red buds open blush to white, glossy red fruit persistant, proven disease free in USDA trials
-  mid-sized tree, dark red buds open white, bright red fruit in abundant. Fruit matures early - August even in northern states
- horizontal to pyramidal, pink buds open white, abundant red holly-like berries that persist well, generally superior disease resistance



Amberina - strongly upright, dark red buds open near white, very bright orange-red fruit, possible gold fall color
AMERICAN MASTERPIECE™ - oyramidal, very rich red flowers, dark red fall color, rich orange fruit
Copper King - 10 foot globose, white buds, spicy fragrance, golden-copper fruit, heavy annual bearing, very disease resistant
Serenade - 12 foot semi-pendulous, dark pink buds open blush, nicely textured leaf, abundant golden-orange fruit



AMERICAN MASTERPIECE™ - oyramidal, very rich red flowers, dark red fall color, rich orange fruit
Burgandy (Burgundy) - vase-shaped, dark red flowers, fruit also dark, foliage mostly red but greener by fall
Cardinal Robe - globose to 15 ft., bright red flowers, bright red half inch fruit, unique for cherry-like and showy bark
Liset - 15 foot open tree, very rich scarlet-red flowers, disease resistance reports vary widely. Looks very dark red planted with white cultivars.
Orange Crush - unusual orange-rose buds open scarlet-red, dark red fruit, disease resistant, one of Faila's best hybrids
Prairifire - 20 foot dense and globose, dark red buds open purplish-red, some good fall foliage, fruit glossy purplish-red, interesting cherry-like bark


RICH PINK SINGLE FLOWERS - Some of the better clones - see above for doubles, weepers

coronaria 'Coralglow' - 12 foot irregular tree, dark pink buds open coral pink, large reddish-green fruit, valued for late and very rich pink color
- globose, semi-dwarf, bright coral buds open single to semi-double pink, fruit sparse and dull, good disease resistance
Erie - purplish-red buds open rich rose-pink to lavender-pink, dark orange and red fruit, scab can be severe in some areas
Hillier - 18 foot tree, rich rose-red buds open medium pink, extremely heavy and covering bloom, slight scab but good resistance overall
Makamik - dark red buds open reddish-rose, dark bronzed leaf, large fruit to 2.5cm, high resistant except mild scab, one of the top Rosybloom types
sargentii 'Matt Tures' - dense, spreading, dark magenta-pink buds open pink, red tinged leaf, little fruit, highly disease resistant, cold hardy in Chicago area
Selkirk - 20 ft. globose, dark red buds open purplish-pink, huge 2cm cherry-like fruit, slight scab and blight but no problem in many areas
Timiskaming - dark red buds open reddish-pink later medium pink, dark purplish-red fruit every other year, slight scab and blight in certain regions



Autumn Delight - weeping to broadly mounded, pink buds open white, very nice yellow to orange and some red fall colors
Indian Magic - 15 foot tree, pink flowers, glossy red persistant fruit, orange fall color can be impressive
Satin Cloud - dense globose ("as if sheared") to 10 feet, light pink buds open stainy white, rich spicy scent, thick dark leaf, fall foliage orange, red, and purple.

tschonoskii - 40 foot pyramidal, unique whitish to silvery new foliage, white flowers but not floriferous, yellowish fruit, rich red fall colors, bad fireblight



Butterfly - 8 foot dwarf, bright pink buds open lighter pink, unusual narrow petals, bright red small fruit
- globose, semi-dwarf, bright coral buds open single to semi-double pink, fruit sparse and dull, good disease resistance
Kibele - compact 8 feet, red buds open pink, nice purplish-red leaf, dark red fruit, some scab and fireblight but not severe
®  -  dwarf 10 foot tree, red buds open white, nice rich green leaf, yellowish and very persistant fruit. Can have nice orange fall color.

Leprechaun - dwarf 8 foot tree, red buds open white, tons of small red fruit that persists through winter
Magic Flute - 8 foot dwarf, purplish buds open to orchid shades, persistant red fruit, disease resistant to date, very unique flower color
Ryan - 8 foot dwarf spreader, purplish-red buds open pink with purple reverse, small persistant red fruit, disease resistant
Thumbelina - 6 foot true dwarf, dark red buds open lighter red, small red fruit, red to bronze leaf
sargentii 'Tina' - 5 foot dwarf, often grafted on standards, pink buds open white, very disease proof
Tiny Tim - 8-10 foot semi-dwarf, carmine buds open white, glossy red tinged orange fruit, high disease resistance, blooms young as container plant
Yuletide - 6-8 foot dwarf, carmine red buds open white, bright red persistant fruit, blooms young in containers, dark green leaf



AMERICAN SPIRIT™ - smallish, globose, dark red buds open reddish-rose, reddish-purple leaf, glossy dark red fruit
Burgandy (Burgundy) - vase-shaped, dark red flowers, fruit also dark, foliage mostly red but greener by fall
Purple Prince - vigorous 22 foot tree, dark red buds open magenta pink, dark purple foliage bronzes by fall, purplish fruit, dark purplish bark too
Royalty - unusual dark reddish-purple flowers, very dark purple leaf, scab and sucker prone. Resembles a Prunus cerasifera overall.
Thunderchild - 20 foot compact globose, dark rose-red flowers, foliage start green then becoms dark reddish-purple all summer, sprase dark red fruit
Tomiko - dark red buds open lavender-pink, very rich purplish-red leaf, blooms very large to 2 inches wide



Adirondack - compact, obovoid to erect, 2 in. flowers, yellow blushed red fruit, multiple disease resistance, from Dr. Egolf's USDA breeding work
baccata 'Aspiration' - columnar, very early white flowers, large yellow and red fruit, more scab resistant than 'Columnaris'
Cranberry Lace - columnar to upright, red buds open dark pink, semi- to full double, small dark fruit. One of top narrow doubles.
Magic Mirror - upright to broadly columnar, dark rose-re buds iopen semi-double rich red, nice red fruit, reddish foliage
Park Centre - narrowly pyramidal  to vase-shaped,  light pink flowers, glossy leaf, gold fruit, good disease resistance
Pink Spires - narrow in early years, lavender buds open white, purplish new growth turns bronze, purplish-red persistant fruit, disease problems
prunifolia var. rinki 'Fastigiata' - very narrow, later twice as tall as wide, pink buds open white, yellow and red fruit. Rinki is correct - a local not Latin name.
Red Barron (Red Baron) - columnar, compact, dark red buds open pink, bronzed leaf. This is NOT the edible, pomological cultivar called 'Red Baron'
Sentinel - 20 feet tall x 12 feet wide, red buds open white to light pink, dark green leaf, dark red persistant fruit
Silver Moon - columnar at first but later ovoid, light pink buds open white, rather late to flower, dark purplish-red fruit, good disease resistances
Sundog - columnar, rose-pink flowers, dark red persistant and annual bearing fruit, mild scab but usually very durable
- 20 feet tall x 12 ft. wide, rose pink flowers, purplish new foliage, sparse red fruit, scab vulnerable but still a pretty tree



BRANDYWINE® - vase-shaped to globose, large scented rose pink flowers, leaves tinged dark red, nice dark fall foliage, greenish-yellow fruit
Copper King - 10 foot globose, white buds, spicy fragrance, golden-copper fruit, heavy annual bearing, very disease resistant
coronaria 'Nieuwland' - reddish-rose buds open rich pink to 2 inches wide, very nice scent
® - semi-dwarf 10 foot tree, dark red buds open pink, very nice scent, leaf tinged red, bright red small fruit
ionensis 'Prairie Rose' - rich violet-like scent, double rich pink flowers, better than 'Plena' with more disease resistance, no fruit
MADONNA 'Mazam' - compact 20 foot, very full rose-like white, rich jasmine type scent, tiny brownish-red fruit is sparse. A top white double.
Satin Cloud - dense globose ("as if sheared") to 10 feet, light pink buds open stainy white, rich spicy scent, thick dark leaf, rich fall colors
Snowdrift - vigorous dense and globose, pink buds open white, nice fragrance, glossy leaf, abundant orange-red fruit, usually no disease of any kind
- globose to 18 feet, pink buds open white, bright gold fruit, perhaps the mostly highly scented cultivar sold today (2003)